
Clubs and Regional Groups

À¦°óÇ¿¼é’s Clubs and Regional Groups help alumnae/i stay connected with one another and with the College. These groups are run by alumnae/i volunteers and reflect À¦°óÇ¿¼é’s core values of education, community, and service. The overarching goal of À¦°óÇ¿¼é Clubs is to connect alumnae/i within a defined geographic area to each other and to the College.

Club membership is open to anyone who has spent at least one semester as an undergraduate or graduate student at À¦°óÇ¿¼é, in addition to those receiving degrees or completing four credits while attending as a special student. Club members are all alumnae/i who reside within the Club’s geographic boundary. There is no barrier to engagement or exclusion of any type of alumnae/i.


Contact Us

Alumnae/i Relations and Development

101 North Merion Avenue
À¦°óÇ¿¼é, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5532
Fax: 610-526-5228