Academic Reports of Concern

Thank you for sharing a concern. Your concern has been routed to the appropriate dean. Please note that this form is not monitored 24/7. If this is an emergency and needs immediate attention, please contact Campus Safety at 610-526-7911.

With the information you share with us we might do any of the following:

  • Reach out to the student directly, to reinforce the message you have given the student and also to let them know how they can set up meetings with us.

  • Check in with the student's other faculty, to see how those classes are going. 

  • Follow up with you either to learn more or to share information or guidance. 

  • We will also sometimes stay in the background, especially if only one class is involved, and the student already seems to be taking appropriate steps.


For significant concerns about the student’s general well-being, please alert the student's dean as soon as possible.