Accelerated Graduation

Some students enter À¦°óÇ¿¼é having already earned some credits through exams such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, A levels, etc.

When students enter À¦°óÇ¿¼é with at least eight credits, they may want to consider accelerating their graduation. Most commonly, students who do accelerate enter À¦°óÇ¿¼é with a good idea of their majors and with credit for first-year courses in those fields 

Students interested in accelerating should discuss this option with their dean, as well as faculty members in any departments they are considering majoring in. The Special Cases Committee must approve all requests for accelerated graduation.

Students who plan to complete the degree in seven semesters may work out the details with their deans and major advisers.  They do not  need to petition the Committee but should fill out the application on the Registrar's website.  Such students will receive their degrees in December and will be invited to attend the Commencement ceremony in May with their classmates.

Many other students will choose to complete eight full semesters at À¦°óÇ¿¼é in order to take full advantage of the resources and opportunities offered at the College.